An informal and sporadically updated collection of images intended to delight and inspire.
Thomas Herbert A Relation of Some Yeares Travaile, Begunne Anno 1626... 1634 August Johann Rösel von Rosenhof Historia Naturalis Ranarum Nostratium 1758 Antonio José Cavanilles Monadelphiæ classis dissertationes decem[...] 1790 Jean Claude Delamétherie Théorie de la Terre 1797 Chaumeton, de Chamberet, Poiret, Panckoucke Flore Médicale 1814 Thomas Bell, James De Carle Sowerby, etc. The Zoological Journal 1825-1835 Exploration scientifique de l'Algérie pendant les années 1840, 1841, 1842. (Coleoptera) United States Pacific Railroad Expedition and Survey 1853-1861 André Marie Constant Duméril Erpétologie générale, ou, Histoire naturelle complète des reptiles 1854 Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 1855, 1856, 1858 Recherches zoologiques pour servir à l'histoire de la faune de l'Amérique Centrale et du Mexique. 1870 W.L. Distant, W,W. Fowler, T.D.A. Cockerell Biologia Centrali-Americana (Hemiptera) 1881-1909 Friedrich August Quenstedt Die Ammoniten des Schwäbischen Jura 1883-1885 Charles S. Graham, illus. Bird's-Eye View of the California Midwinter International Exposition 1893 Ernest Satow Bamboos in Japan 1899
Catálogo de la biblioteca taurina de Luis Carmena y Millán 1903 Mary Vaux Walcott North American Pitcherplants 1935 Jakob E. Lange Flora Agaricina Danica 1935-1940 |
All writing is copyright © 2008-2012 Chronophobia/Andrew McCormick. To the best of Andrew's knowledge, all book illustrations and text are from public-domain sources, and therefore you may use Andrew's images of such material for any purpose without attribution, though a link back here would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions about usage, please contact Andrew: am (at) chronophobia (dot) com. |